Pitney Bowes
Chief Executive Officers
Oil Portrait Gallery
Pitney Bowes
Chief Executive Officers
Oil Portrait Gallery
Sandy Garvin

I grew up just knowing I’d always have a paintbrush in my hand. There have been a few zig zags along the way, but for the past 25 years, I’ve pushed ahead to keep at it and put into practice the many lessons from favorite mentors. Charles Sovek for color, Greg Kreutz for sensitivity to mood, light, brushwork, atmosphere, Sherrie McGraw for gesture and guts to go for it and Joan Potter for design and composition in still life. There have been many more along the way..much time at the Lyme Academy of Fine Art right here in my home town of Old Lyme...Scottsdale Artists School..PAPA artists who taught workshops here. But in the end, you just settle down and get to work and most importantly, observe.
Color and mood inspire me greatly in nature. Lately, I am responding in a simpler way rather than painting a detailed narrative. Quiet moments hopefully evoke peaceful paintings. I also love a good juicy still life that is playful with color and light. There are many directions yet to explore which helps keep it fresh and challenging.
For six years, I had a gallery and studio in Essex, Ct. which was wonderful, but what I really wanted to do was just paint. I met hundreds of wonderful people and artists to collaborate with so it was very much worth doing. However, I decided to close the doors and work at home for a few years and see what that was like. Fun, but not as productive as I’d hoped, so this spring another opportunity arose to paint away from home and I moved my studio to 10 Lyme Street where you can find me by chance or appointment. Feel free to drop in as there are many new pieces in the works at any given time. On occasion, there will be open studio nights.
Soundview Plaza, 1266 East Main Street, Suite 700R, Stamford, CT 06902 || 203.977.8203 || fineart@picture-that.com
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