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St. Philip's College

Art Collection of the Honorable Lila Cockrell

St. Philip’s College is home to a variety of artwork, including the Art Collections of the Honorable Lila Cockrell and Drs. Ricardo and Harriett Romo. The Cockrell Collection features over 40 paintings and sculptures of primarily African-American art, collected the former San Antonio mayor. The Romo Collection consists of 220 pieces of Latino artwork, including paintings, prints and photographs. Artwork by students, faculty and staff are also housed in the St. Philip’s College Archives.


The St. Philip’s College photo archives include approximately 20 linear feet of prints, negatives and slides, as well as over 150,000 digital images. The collection, dating from 1898 to the present, covers a wide range of events, academic programs, clubs, committees and campus life, featuring students, faculty, staff, administrators and the public. A sampling of the collection, with over 800 images, can be found on the Portal to Texas History.


The Art Collection of the Honorable Lila Cockrell

For more than two decades, the Honorable Lila Cockrell avidly and lovingly collected the works of noted and upcoming African American artists with a particular focus on local artists -- many of whom are St. Philip’s College alumni. The Art Collection of the Honorable Lila Cockrell, a substantial donation of original pieces, is on permanent exhibit in the Bowden Gallery of the G.J. Sutton Learning Center. The collection debuted in 2014 and coincided with the renovation of the Sutton Learning Center. It supports and inspires San Antonio artists and enriches the lives of our SPC family and community

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