Stamford’s Picture That LLC Wins Regional Supplier of the Year Award 2015

National Organization Honors Art Consulting Firm
For Second Time in Seven Years
STAMFORD, Connecticut (August 17, 2015) Stamford-based Picture That LLC, a corporate full-service art consulting firm, is among a select group of minority firms nationwide to receive the 2015 Regional Supplier of the Year Award from the National Minority Supplier Development Council.
“Sixteen minority businesses have been selected as Regional Suppliers of the Year,” Joset Wright-Lacy, NMSDC’s president, said in a letter to Valerie Cooper, owner of Picture That. “This is a very high honor, considering there are more than 12,000 NMSDC-certified minority businesses across the country that are eligible to be nominated.”
Each year, NMSDC honors minority suppliers that have demonstrated growth in sales and employment while overcoming significant obstacles; and provided competitively priced, quality products and services that contribute to the growth and development of their communities. Picture That won the same award in 2008.
The Regional Supplier of the Year Awards will be presented October 21 at the NMSDC’s banquet in San Diego. As a regional award winner, Picture That is eligible for the National Supplier of the Year Award. The winner of the national award will also be announced at the banquet in October.
About Picture That LLC Picture That LLC, also known as Picture That Art Consultants, was established in 2002 in Stamford, CT, specializing in art consulting, appraisal, collection, management and curatorial services for corporations, healthcare organizations and academic institutions nationwide. Picture That delivers high-quality, cost-effective art solutions to enhance and provide the “finishing touch” for a facility’s décor. The firm has assembled an extensive team of art professionals including designers, curators, art handlers and appraisers technologists. In addition, artwork by a diverse composite of established and emerging artists are used to implement award-winning solutions.