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Malu Tan

b. 1964, Manila Philippines


I began pursuing an art career while in London with my family, and away from my established handbag business. My education at the Art Academy of London was the catalyst in pursuing a childhood dream. Since moving back, I work full time in my Westport, Connecticut studio.


I am inspired by the natural world and by the process of painting. During my travels and vistas, I record my experiences and impressions with drawings and quick sketches in a notebook I carry wherever I go. Usually it would be simple pleasures that I find interesting and majestic.


I begin working with multiple quick sketches on paper to compose a painting. On a blank canvas, I paint loosely and intuitively blocking off patches of color and using gestural marks. Over a period of time, I build up layers of paint and color, and (sometimes) scrape backto re-discover something done before. I keep my work fresh and dynamic by blending the images into each other, evoking an atmospheric "Turner-esque" feel. This process is  both intentional and experimental.


My paintings are an expression of my intimate relationship with the environment. I evoke a sense of space by feeling and observation and my paintings operate between figurative and abstract. It is my intention to encourage the viewer to look at my work with a degree of discovery, contemplation,  concentration, and entrancement.

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Soundview Plaza, 1266 East Main Street, Suite 700R, Stamford, CT 06902  ||  203.977.8203  ||
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