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Terri Tuazon

Terri Tuazon was born and raised in Nanaimo, BC, Canada but now calls West Haven, Ct home since her marriage to Glenn during the weekend of Super Storm Sandy, October 2012. In 2006, after raising her three children, she bought her first digital camera, a Nikon D50, and a 28-300 mm lens.  Within two hours of opening the box she was out on her first photo shoot taking “close-up pictures of flowers” and she was hooked – she had found her passion and the missing piece of Terri.


Terri is a self-taught photographer who will take photos of almost everything.  She loves to find the hidden photo in an everyday simple capture through post-editing and applying her artistic vision.  Her goal in her photography is to stimulate the senses and to bring an emotive response to the viewer.  Her belief is…


Life is a photograph waiting to be captured

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